In this tutorial we look a the method in Nagios defining a new host. So buckle up and get ready to enjoy the ride. So far we have just completed the installation and the server will monitor itself. To monitor other hosts we start be defining a host within the nagios.cfg configuration. Once we have the host defined we can look at adding them to groups and associating services with these hosts so we can monitor the HTTP server, database server or what ever we need. So lets start by looking at the configuration directory. Can you remember where we said it was? …. Yes you are correct /etc/nagios3
This is the configuration directory for Nagios on Ubuntu 12.04. The main configuration file is nagios.cfg found in this directory. To make adding new entries easier though the main nagios.cfg file includes other directories. We can view this with the command
grep cfg_dir /etc/nagios3/nagios.cfg
The directive cfg_dir includes the complete directory, cfg_file just a single file.
We can see from the output of grep the the /etc/nagios3/conf.d directory is included and we will a new file to this directory. The name of the file does not matter but I will add it for a host called store so naming it store.cfg makes sense.
define host { host_name store.tup.local alias store address max_check_attempts 3 check_period 24x7 check_command check-host-alive contacts root notification_interval 60 notification_period 24x7 }
The host definition is within the braces and of course this is just an extension on the nagios.cfg , so we could define more than one host or other settings in this file. Later we will add services to monitor on this host.
We are checking that the host is alive throughout the 24 hour period 7 days a week. The check is a ping and 3 failed pings will raise a host down alert. The configuration is still quite basic but it is enough to get us started on monitoring with Nagios Core.
Once we have saved the file we can run the pre-flight checks, so we do not try to restart Nagios without having verified the entries we have added.
sudo nagios3 -v /etc/nagios3/nagios.cfg | less
Once we are happy with the config we can restart the monitoring server
sudo /etc/init.d/nagios3 restart
Then connect with a browser and check all is happy.