Knowing how the Web Interface Server connects into the server farm and presents resources is useful both for the exam and real life. The video is able to show you these 8 steps visually:
- The user enters their credentials to the Web Interface via HTTP or HTTPS.
- The Web Interface passes these credentials to the XML brokers in the Server Farm.
- The XML brokers authenticate the user to the AD.
- The XML brokers build a list of resources from the farm database that the user has access to.
- The Web Interface presents the list of resources as a web page to the user. The user selects the resource they desire.
- The Web interface requests the least busy server hosting the resource from the XML brokers.
- The XML broker passes the request to the ZDC and obtains an access token. The Web Interface generates an ICA file from this information and passes it to the client.
- The Citrix Receiver on the client opens the ICA file and connects via port 1494 to the XenApp server hosting the resource