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Implementing a Squid Web Proxy Server with basic time restrictions on Ubuntu

By April 11, 2013September 12th, 2022No Comments

Using Ubuntu 11.04, Natty Narwhal, we are going to demonstrate how we can set up a simple HTTP Web Proxy, perhaps for home or small office. If you are using Ubuntu or any other distribution of Linux in your home or office location you may want to look at controlling internet bandwidth and time usage. Squid is perfect for this. Here we will look at installing squid, setting it up with basic Web Proxy functions for the local network and then add in time restrictions that specify that the proxy can be used for just 2 hours in the evening perhaps useful at home. The restrictions make up ACLs or Access Control Lists. We can define these in the squid.conf similar to this:

acl weekeve time D 18:00-22:00
http_access allow localnet weekeve

With the proxy server in place then have control and security of our network, the video shows you how.