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openLDAP on Ubuntu Server 2 – Managing Users

By April 18, 2013September 12th, 2022No Comments

We saw in the first video that we can use LDIF files to create objects within our openLDAP server; we created to OUs for People and Groups. We start in the same manner looking at how we can start creating the leaf objects, rather than containers, users and groups in the directory. This can be achieved with LDIF files, but if this does not exactly “float your boat” then we can look later in the video at scripts that Ubuntu supply to assist.

Creating a group

The LDIF file to create a group will be normally be quite small, it does not have many attributes.

dn: cn=ldapusers,ou=group,dc=tup,dc=com
objectClass: posixGroup
cn: ldapusers
gidNumber: 4000

Here we create the ldapusers group in the group OU.

Creating posix users

POSIX users are users that authenticate to Linux and have the required attributes. A sample account can be seen below where we create the Mike account to belong to the ldapusers group we created before:

dn: uid=mike,ou=people,dc=tup,dc=com
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: posixAccount
objectClass: shadowAccount
uid: mike
sn: smith
givenName: mike
cn: mike
uidNumber: 4000
gidNumber: 4000
userPassword: Password1
loginShell: /bin/bash
homeDirectory: /home/mike

Create non-posix user

Users though may also exist in the Directory but may be they are not required for Linux authentication, in which case the entry is less verbose without including the POSIX attributes, these accounts can be used for authentication to Apache, MySQL or other LDAP applications such as a Company White Pages:

dn: cn=joef,ou=people,dc=tup,dc=com
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
sn: falls
givenName: joe
cn: joef
userPassword: Password1


Now if this isn’t working for you we can look at the ldapscripts package from Ubuntu:

sudo apt-get install -y ldapscripts

Once installed we can configure the scripts using the file: /etc/ldapscripts/ldapscripts.conf. We can configure the LDAP server to connect to the domain suffix and admin accounts. We can even set the scripts to create the user’s home directories. If we are to use the ldapscripts.passwd file we can populate it with echo -n Password1 > /etc/ldapscripts/ldapscripts.passwd; this needs to be run as root.

Once set we can create users with the command:

sudo ldapadduser fred ldapgroup

The video explains all and I hope you find it of use.