In ruby we can manipulate the case of strings with methods:
- capitalize
- upcase
- downcase
Working with irb the interactive ruby environment we can test this easily. First we will create a local variable. Local variable start with an _ or lowercase character.
name = "sAlly"
So we now have the local variable name that has a string value of sAlly. If we only want to print the variable and nothing else to the screen we can use
puts name
If we name to manipulate the case we can append the correct method
puts name.captialize
This prints Sally
puts name.upcase
This will print SALLY
puts name.downcase
Will print, …. you guessed it .. sally
If we need an additional text string to be printed with the variable we can delimit the variable when it is quoted.
puts "Welcome #{name}"
This will print Welcome sAlly
puts "Welcome #{name.capitalize}"
Will print Welcome Sally