In this lesson we look at more standard Linux services, in this case: NFS. To make a practical example of an NFS server we will use the NFS share or export as a Linux installation repository so we can install servers and software from the export. We first need to install the server, create the share definition in the /etc/exports file. With that in place we can start the server, enable it to start on boot and then double check we can see the export with showmount. the main steps are shown below
zypper -n in nfs-kernel-server vi /etc/exports rcnfsserver start chkconfig -a nfsserver showmount -e localhost
The folders that we share are configured in the /etc/exports file. The entry we add would look similar to this:
/etc/suse11 *(ro,root_squash,sync,no_subtree_check)
To set up the installation repository in SUSE we would copy the contents of the installation DVD into the directory /export/suse11. We would then delete the current DVD installation record and add the new record pointing to the nfs share.
rsync -arv /mnt/ /export/suse11 zypper rr 1 zypper ar nfs:// SUSE11
Zypper in the SUSE software management tool, you could use YUM in Red Hat. But of course the zypper tools makes the connection to nfs. If you wanted to manually connect tot he NFS export from the client :
mount /mnt